
The knowledgebase includes information about key terms used in collaborative work and the by-name list. To learn more, click on the key term below.

  • How do I use the BNL to make it easier to coordinate care with other services?

  • Engagement risks are high-level flags identifying potential risks for a frontline worker when engaging with a person.

    The engagement risks section is a multi-select field and it is important that the selected choices have the appropriate balance of dignity of risk

    To learn more, click on the guide below.

  • Engagement tips are high-level information about a person’s interests and care preferences. 

    They are used by frontline workers to improve engagement with a person early in the case management process. 

    To learn more, click on the guide below, or watch the video

    Link to guide

    Link to video

  • A lead worker is the person primarily responsible for helping a client achieve their identified housing and support goals. 

    To learn more about lead worker responsibilities, how to know if you are a lead worker and how to determine who the lead worker should be, click on the guide below.

    Link to guide