The knowledgebase includes information about key terms used in collaborative work and the by-name list. To learn more, click on the key term below.
Engagement risks are high-level flags identifying potential risks for a frontline worker when engaging with a person.
The engagement risks section was designed as a multi-select field to avoid creating unintentional bias prior to meeting a client. It is important that services use their professional judgement to ensure the appropriate balance of flagging risks whilst respecting the dignity of the client.
To learn more, click on the guide below.
Engagement tips are high-level information about a person’s interests and care preferences.
They are used by frontline workers to improve engagement with a person early in the case management process.
To learn more, click on the guide below, or watch the video
A lead worker is the person primarily responsible for helping a client achieve their identified housing and support goals.
To learn more about lead worker responsibilities, how to know if you are a lead worker and how to determine who the lead worker should be, click on the guide below. -
This guide will help you understand why it is important to keep a person’s BNL record up to date. Additionally, this guide will explain which updates are likely to be key changes, frequent changes or infrequent changes. To learn more, click on the guide below.
A BNL Guide was developed to assist frontline workers to explain the BNL.
It has been co-developed with an advisory group comprised of people with lived experience and front-line workers.
You can access a copy of this BNL guide by clicking the guide below.
This document provides guidance for when and how to make a person’s BNL status inactive. You will also find useful resources, such as BNL status definitions, tips and a checklist to support staff when making a record inactive.
To learn more, click on guide below.